Monday, September 8, 2008

Now since i've started this blog, there should be at least some post as a gesture of respect to the blog space!!
Let me start with explaining the meaning of "KaatoormalayilKidz"!!

Many many years ago, our Grandfather built a beautiful house on the top of a small mountain (kaatoor Mala). Appachan and Ammachi raised 5 beautiful kids there viz. Mathai, Varkey, Vennikulam Ammachi, Mariamma and Joyamma. The eldest son Mathai set out to explore the tough world outside his sweet home, away from his doting parents and loving siblings.

Later, over a period of time, one by one, each of the 5 kids came out of their comfort zones in search of their dreams, aspirations and goals. They all got married, with a nice job in hand and a soulful life mate besides them, they all settled in different parts of India.

Search for ... something it is, always. But even after all these years, their hearts are still attached to the sweet smell of food Ammachi used to prepare in coconut oil, the hollering of the cattle they owned, hens pecking in the garden, the beauty of fresh dew drops on the green expanse of their "paramb", the unending lineage of tall coconut trees...

We are the next generation of that wonderful clan. Attached by the same strings, now we all live worlds apart. A get together when every single souls meets looks like a far fetched dream. Alas we have at least "internet" to keep us entwined! :D

So, my dear Sisters and Brothers and Bhabhis and Jeejus... let the emotions and daily ruckus of your lives get scribbled here... Let's start sharing... Again. :):)


Not so Wierd afterall. said...

i sincerely hope that your dream of fmily reunion comes to life atleast 1ce a year at the same blisfull location...with home made mallo food ---enzooy

123456 said...


first .. who is marie ... ??

second ... well .... answer the first, first .....

and ya my id is 123456 cos it appeared here in arabic ... and i did not know what on earth it was ... will change it later ...

so now you shud be able to figure by now who i am .... :o)

Mathai said...

Substantial thinking and commendable beginning my Jinsymole.
We siblings are worlds apart I agree, but we all must remain knitted by heart. As the eldest in the clan, this is my sincere desire and prayers.

I am glad to record here that myself,brother Babychan(Varkey), sisters Mole(Achamma), Kunjunjamma(Mariamma) and Joyamma, our children and grand children; although live miles away for long period of time, maintain close affection and affinity and mutual love and respect as was taught by our fore fathers.

Through marriages we have now sons-in-laws and daughters-in-laws and they have become part and parcel of our family.

Being eldest,my only emphasis is that we should continue to keep our family ties refreshed and aiive all the time.

Correct spelling is Kattoormalail.

I request every one should go through this Blog and contribute something in this block for information of others.

With Love,